Disc Brake Not Working
This is the life saving technique for
disc brake not working properly.
Sometimes our disc brake loses its action
and fails to apply breaking even though when we fully press the disc brake lever. Why this happens?
Reasons are
1) Due to hot temperatures during summer
season and our disc fluid was replaced longtime ago.
2) During rainy season muddy water enters
into the components/assembly and jams it.
3) Worn out disc pads.
The gunshot solution is go to good service
center and get this done.
1) Replace the disc fluid completely.
2) Replace the disc pads.
3) Ask the mechanic to open up components/assembly
and lubricate the capillary region well.
That's it.
Technique and Simple
This is the life saving technique which
works only for one day. Use this technique
so that it will help your disc break work again until your reach to the service
center to replace your disc fluid and disc pads.
Please use this technique to fully activate
your disc brakes only when you are in hurry and you have no time to go to service
center or when you are stuck in the journey.
As soon as you got the time, then immediately go to service center and replace
the disc brake pads and disc brake fluid.
Do not neglect the breaking system at any cost.
Take half bucket of clean water and
1) Clean the disc wheel with wet cloth.
2) Pour water on the disc brake fluid
storage tank and tube to cool down the temperature inside for the fluid to get into
full action.
3) Take water in a mug and splash the
water into the disc break components/assembly while rotating your wheel anticlockwise,
so that all the mud jam will melt and the disc break will get into action again.
For video demo watch this
Disc break is the life saver while riding,
don't neglect it. Go to service center and
replace disc break fluid and disc pads as soon as possible.
Life saving technique will only work
for one day. If you want another day extended,
then repeat the technique again. Best and
standard solution is; as soon as you got time, immediately go to service station
and replace disc break fluid and disc pads.
Happy riding.
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